SAP Program CRM_LEAS_MIGRATE_BILLS - Migration Program: Create CRM Bill. Docs from Existing SD Bill. Docs

Migrate existing SD billing documents to CRM. An import file thatcontains the SD billing documents with reference to the billed CRM itemsis read. The CRM transaction and item data is then read and used tocreate billing due list items, which are then billed. The SD billingdocument number is saved in the reference field of the CRM billingdocument, which establishes a link to the SD billing document. There isno document flow link between the CRM transaction and the CRM billingdocument. Likewise, the FI document still refers to the SD billingdocument, not the CRM migration billing document.

Also see the documentation of R/3 report CRM_LEASING_EXTRACT_BILLS,which creates the input file for this CRM program. The selection anddata supply are explained in this documentation.

You have to define a separate billing document type for the migratedbilling documents in CRM billing. In this type, set the transfer blockwith regard to transfer to accounting, to make sure that the CRM billingdocuments are not transferred to accounting. The program assumes thatthe SD billing documents were already transferred to accounting.LIkewise, the billing document type should not be relevant forstatistics, to prevent a transfer to the Business Warehouse, and noaction profile should be assigned to make sure the billing documents arenot output.

The input file can be located on either the PC or the applicationserver. You also have to specify an output file for billing documentsthat cannot be migrated. Once you correct the problem, you can use thisfile as the input file for another migration run. Under no circumstancesshould you use the original input file a second time if billingdocuments were created in the previous run, because this would create asecond CRM billing document for every SD billing document that wasalready migrated.

Errors that prevent the creatino of a migration billing document arerecorded in the application log. The number of migrated billingdocuments is output. The system also indicates the specific billingdocument items that could not be migrated because they were credited inan SD billing document. This is the case when a billing request item hasalready been billed in SD but then became obsolete due to a changeprocess.

After you migrate the billing documents, you have to run a secondprogram, CRM_LEAS_BILL_MIG_POSTPROCESS. This program prevents themigration billing documents from being transferred to accountingerroneously and updates the billed quantity and billed amount for thetransaction items.