SAP Program CRM_LEAS_BILLING_MIGRATE_BRI - Create Entries in Billing Due List for Leasing BRIs

When you upgrade from LAM 3.20 to 4.0, you have to make sure thatbilling due list items that result from previously created contracts buthave not been billed yet can now be billed in CRM billing. To do so, youhave to transfer these items to the billing due list in CRM billing.This program serves this purpose. .

If credits have to be created for the items billed with SD billing, dueto change processes or canceled contracts, you have to do so BEFORE theupgrade. The program will write any such items it encounters to an errorlist, and will not transfer them to the billing due list.

Items that have status "Blocked for Billing" (because the "Hold Billing"process was executed for this contract, for example, or a floating rateadjustment is pending) are not processed. Later, when the billing blockis removed, the middleware will automatically transfer these items tothe billing due list.
You can start the program several times for the same contracts anditems. Only the items that were not transferred yet due to errors areprocessed in subsequent runs.
As soon as a billing request item has been transferred to the billingdue list, you can no longer bill it in CRM billing. This ensures that noduplicate billing takes place.

If certain items could not be transferred to the billing due list, theseitems are recorded in the application log. In this case, you have tocorrect the errors and start the program again for the relevantcontracts.