SAP Program CRM_CREDIT_IMP_RATING - Test Report for Importing Ext. Rating

In SAP Credit Management, the credit standing is determined using theprocedure saved in the business partner for scoring and the credit limitcalculation. When a business partner is replicated from SAP CRM to SAPCredit Management, the standard value from the Customizing settings isentered in this procedure. This means that this procedure is initiallyidentical for all business partners. If you want to request externalinformation for specific customers from SAP CRM, this procedure must bemodified in SAP Credit Management and the credit standing determinedagain. The following steps are required to do this:
Credit check request from SAP CRM to SAP Credit Management via XI.
This message contains a credit check rule and a scoring procedure.
To ensure that the credit standing can be determined again in SAP CreditManagement, it is necessary to invalidate the current credit standingfirst for technical reasons. In technical terms, this is done byperforming a credit check, which only contains a check step toinvalidate the credit standing.
The procedure supplied for scoring can now be used in SAP CreditManagement to calculate the credit standing again, and to requestexternal information.
The new credit standing is sent to SAP CRM from SAP Credit Management asan answer to the credit check.
Note the following technical details here:
This test program first sends a message to request the credit check.
This request contains the code of the credit check rule (default value1) and the code for the scoring procedure (default value 01). In SAPCredit Management, these values are converted by a BAdI implementation.SAP supplies an example implementation of the BAdI UKM_CREDIT_CHECK(BAdI: Adjust Result of Credit Check). Values from Credit ManagementCustomizing must be used to do this (see sample implementation BAdIUKM_CREDIT_CHECK). The value is converted as follows in this exampleimplementation.

  • Credit check rule from 1 to 05.

  • Scoring procedure from 01 to CRM-RAT.

  • The rule used for the credit check, such as 05, must consist of thesingle step 005 Invalidate credit standing and determine a new creditstanding. This is only possible by implementing UKM_CHECK_RAT_UPD(invalidate credit standing and determine new credit standing in theBAdI UKM_CHECK_STEP (BAdI: Single step for a credit check). The creditstanding is initially invalidated and then a new credit standing isdetermined in this implementation.
    You must therefore make the following settings in the SAP CreditManagement Customizing settings:
    Implement the BAdI UKM_CREDIT_CHECK (BAdI: Adjust Result of CreditCheck), method CONVERT_INBOUND to convert the values.
    Create a credit check rule, which only consists of the single step 005Invalidate credit standing and determine a new credit standing.
    Create a procedure for scoring and the credit limit calculation, whichcan process external information.
    To ensure that external information can be requested or updated, youmust also maintain the event with the event type EX External creditstanding as invalid with the follow-on process EVL_EXT_RT determineexternal credit standing(s).