SAP Program CRM_ACTIVITY_ARCH_DELETE - Program to Delete Archived Activities


Program CRM_ACTIVITY_ARCH_DELETE belongs to archiving objectCRM_ACT_ON, and is used to delete activity data from the database afterthey have been archived.

Archive files must be available, which were generated with the writeprogram CRM_ACTIVITY_ARCH_WRITE. This program is started from thearchive adminstration (transaction SARA) using the "Write" option.

In contrast to other CRM archiving objects, which are deleted using acentral delete program, this program has a traditional ADK deleteprogram that you schedule in archive administration (transaction SARA).
If, in archiving object-specific Customizing, you have specified thatfor archiving object CRM_ACT_ON the delete job is not to startautomatically ("Start automatically" is not set), you must wait untilthe write phase is completed before you can schedule this step.

You can either choose to delete entire archiving sessions or individualarchive files for one or multiple archiving sessions.

Schedule the delete program as follows:
Go to Archive Selection to select the archiving sessions orarchive files for deletion.
Maintain the start date and the spool parameters.
Choose Execute, to generate the delete job in the background.
You can mark Test Mode to specify that the program is to be runin test mode. The program then does not delete any data in thedatabase.