SAP Program CND_MAST_GEN_TRANSFER_OBJECTS - Generation of Objects for Transfer of Condition Master Data

Report CND_MAST_GEN_TRANSFER_OBJECTS can be used to generatevarious objects that are required for the transfer of condition recordsto the mobile client.
The report must be executed in a client that permits the maintenance ofclient-independent Customizing. You require authorization /SAPCND/CO,activity 64 (generation) to execute the report.

The condition tables for which the various objects should be generatedcan be restricted with the following parameters:

  • Application

  • Usage

  • Table Number

  • The following options are available to you:
    • Generate CDB Condition Tables and Additional Tables

    • Generally speaking, CDB condition tables and addiitonal tables aregenerated together with condition tables for CRM Online. It is onlynecessary to restart generation of the CDB tables if the previousgeneration failed.
      • Generate CDB Scale Tables

      • Generally speaking, CDB scale tables are generated together withcondition tables for CRM Online. It is only necessary to restartgeneration of DCB scale tables if the previous generation failed.
        • Generate Synchronization BDocs

        • If condition records are required on the mobile client, it is necessaryto generate corresponding synchronization BDocs for the relevantcondition tables.
          • Activate Synchronization BDocs

          • In addition to being generated, synchronization BDocs also have to beactivated. This can take place in one run together with generation. Inexceptional cases it may be necessary to restart activation if theprevious activation failed.
            • Store Secondary Index for Mobile Clients

            • This option causes a secondary index to be created on the mobile client.This is required for condition access (pricing), and should, therefore,be created for all condition tables that are transferred to the mobileclient.
              • Generate Secondary Index for CDB Condition Table

              • This option causes a secondary index to be created for the CDB table,which improves the runtime during a Data Integrity Manager (DIMa)comparison with the CRM Online database. However, the runtime behaviordeteriorates during the master data transfer to the CDB condition table.
                • Generate DIMa Objects

                • The Data Integrity Manager (DIMa) makes it possible to compare data inCRM Online tables and CDB tables. To use this tool for particularcondition tables, corresponding DIMa objects are required.

1333090Structure definition incomplete for CDB condition tables
625809Problems during generation of sBDocs for conditions