SAP Program CMS_REGISTRY_PROCESS - Registry Processing - Fill Extract Index

This report enables you to maintain the terms of a ship-and-debitcontract agreed between you and your channel partner.
When you create a ship and debit contract, you run this report totransfer information from a (one order) contract, to the followingcontract extract tables.

  • CMSD_CNT_BP_XT Contract Partner(s) Extract

  • CMSD_CNT_HDR_XT Contract Header Extract

  • CMSD_CNT_PPRC_XT Contract Prices extract

  • CMSD_CNT_PRD_XT Contract Product Extract

  • CMSD_CNT_PWAC_XT Contract Product - WAC

  • You can schedule a background job to run this report program for deltaupdate of contract details to the contract extract tables that channelsales applications query on.

    When you process a ship-and-debit claim, the system does the following:

    • Validates the data in the claim item with the details carried in the
    • ship-and-debit contract and item quoted in the claim item.
      • That is, the channel partner and product match, and the resale
      • underlying the claim was made within the contract validity period.
        • Uses the data in the ship-and-debit contract and item (and the claim
        • calculation option maintained in the channel partner profile) tocalculate the claim amount.
          1.,,In the WebClient UI, create a new sales contract of typeShip-and-Debit Contract.
          2.,,In the Sales Contract Details assignment block, underGeneral Data, maintain the following:
          Channel partner as the sold-to party
          Contract validity period
          3.,,In the Organizational Data assignment block, maintain salesarea data.
          4.,,In the Items assignment block maintain the following:
          Product or product category
          Target quantity, that is, cumulatively the cost reduction can be claimedfor how much quantity (Item grid)
          5.,,In the Price Agreements assignment block, maintain thecontract rate, that is, the price after reduction
          Note: You can also maintain the book price for the product and theexpected resale price to the customer when this contract is applied.
          6.,,Save the contract.
          7.,,To activate the contract:
          1.,,Change the status to: Approved-Awarded.
          2.,,Choose Save.
          3.,,Select the contract item and choose Release Items.
          4.,,Choose Save.
          Result: When the program is run, the contract extract tables arepopulated with the delta information from released items.

1458512Timezone ignored for contract price determination of claims