Purpose This report enables you to maintain the terms of a ship-and-debitcontract agreed between you and your channel partner. When you create a ship and debit contract, you run this report totransfer information from a (one order) contract, to the followingcontract extract tables.
- CMSD_CNT_BP_XT Contract Partner(s) Extract
- CMSD_CNT_HDR_XT Contract Header Extract
- CMSD_CNT_PPRC_XT Contract Prices extract
- CMSD_CNT_PRD_XT Contract Product Extract
- CMSD_CNT_PWAC_XT Contract Product - WAC
You can schedule a background job to run this report program for deltaupdate of contract details to the contract extract tables that channelsales applications query on.Integration When you process a ship-and-debit claim, the system does the following:
- Validates the data in the claim item with the details carried in the
ship-and-debit contract and item quoted in the claim item.
- That is, the channel partner and product match, and the resale
underlying the claim was made within the contract validity period.
- Uses the data in the ship-and-debit contract and item (and the claim
calculation option maintained in the channel partner profile) tocalculate the claim amount. 1.,,In the WebClient UI>, create a new sales contract of typeShip-and-Debit Contract>. 2.,,In the Sales Contract Details> assignment block, underGeneral Data>, maintain the following: Channel partner as the sold-to party Contract validity period 3.,,In the Organizational Data> assignment block, maintain salesarea data. 4.,,In the Items> assignment block maintain the following: Product or product category Target quantity, that is, cumulatively the cost reduction can be claimedfor how much quantity (Item grid) 5.,,In the Price Agreements> assignment block, maintain thecontract rate, that is, the price after reduction Note: You can also maintain the book price for the product and theexpected resale price to the customer when this contract is applied. 6.,,Save> the contract. 7.,,To activate the contract: 1.,,Change the status to: Approved-Awarded>. 2.,,Choose Save>. 3.,,Select the contract item and choose Release Items>. 4.,,Choose Save. Result: When the program is run, the contract extract tables arepopulated with the delta information from released items.