SAP Program CACS_TD_STATS_GENERATE - Generate Database Statistics

You can use the statistics tool to calculate the number of commissioncases and documents that exist, per application, in Incentive andCommission Management (ICM) based on either the effective time stamp orthe technical time stamp.
You can schedule mass processes (such as those for commission cases,commission documents, settlement, flat rates, guarantees, and retention)to run at particular times in order optimize the use of systemresources.
The data is processed using events for each database table. You cancreate the statistics sequentially in one job, or in parallel inmultiple jobs (parallelprocessing). The statistics tool creates statistical data for themaximum period of one year.

The report does the following:
Creates the Customizing for parallel processing and the application log
Defines the intervals for individual events
Calculates the statistics (sequentially or in parallel)

Choose the application and the year for which the statistics are to bedisplayed.
Specify whether the system is to display the statistics only forcommission cases, or only for commission documents, or for both.
Choose the effective or technical time stamp that is to be used tocreate the statistics.
If you want to recalculate the statistics, choose RegenerateDatabase Statistics.
Specify whether the data is to be processed sequentially or in parallel.
Note the following:
In parallel processing, a separate job is started for each event (number= 22). In sequential processing, only one job is created for all theevents, and the runtime of this job depends on the number of eventsinvolved.

The statistical data is stored in tables <(><<)>appl>_STAT_DOC(commission documents) and <(><<)>appl>_STAT_CAS (commission cases). Thefollowing tables are analyzed:
Commission Case,,Commission Document

You can view the events in table CACS_DBS_EVENT, and the intervals intable CACS_FPP_DBSMNTH.
Function Keys
(F6) View of the application log
(F7) View of the job log
Note that background jobs can take several hours to run, depending onthe volume of data involved. For this reason, you should startbackground jobs to generate statistical data when there is the leastload on the system.

  • Report CACS_TD_STATS_DISPLAY displays
  • the statistical data on the screen.
    • You can use report CACS_TD_STATS_DELETE
    • to delete statistics that are no longer required.