SAP Program CACS_SESDATA_DISPLAY - Display Settlement Schedule Data

Display of document data (document header and remuneration document) and
corresponding settlement schedule data (settlement schedule header anditems).

You can display settlement schedules in the main commissions menu, inthe individual commission contract (Settlement Scheduling tab), in thecommission case or in the commission document. In the latter cases, thedisplay button is positioned beneath the display of the remunerationlines.

You must have selected package CACS25 (settlement scheduling) for yourcommission application.

Remuneration documents and their corresponding settlement schedules areselected. Only the remuneration documents are displayed that reference a
settlement schedule. The corresponding document header data is added tothe remuneration documents.

There are three options for displaying data:

  • Business Objects tab

  • Selection of business object data by category, identification andversion of business object
    • Documents tab

    • Selection of remuneration documents by document ID (assignment year anddocument ID), posting date, commission contract number, remunerationtype
      • Contracts tab

      • Selection of contracts by:
        Number of commission contract
        Due date
        Remuneration type

        Not available.

        In the first processing step, the remuneration documents are selected on
        the basis of the selection criteria.
        You can then display the settlement schedules of the remuneration itemsthat are selected (settlement schedule button or double-click on remuner
        ation line). The fulfillment level and fulfillment level period foractual commission (if available) are added to the settlement
        schedule data.
        No changes can be made to the displayed data.