SAP Program CACS_PMNT_BLOCK_RESET - Lift Payment Locks

Lift payment lock
This report lifts the payment lock on documents.
You can set the following criteria:
  • Contract number: You can enter one or more contract numbers
  • here. This selects all documents for the contracts in question thathave a payment lock in the commission document.
    • Payment lock: You can enter one or more payment locks here. All
    • This selects all documents for the payment locks in question.
      • key date: The date tells you up to when the documents are to be
      • included.
        The following happens in processing:
        All documents that fulfill the selection criteria are displayed. Youcan select one or more documents for which the payment lock is tolifted. If you select the function "lift payment lock", the lock willbe removed from selected documents in FI and in the commission system.
        It is important to note that the payment lock can only be lifted fordocuments for which the commission system has the responsibility ofmanaging payment locks.
        Errors will be displayed in the run log.