SAP Program CACS_DBC_700_ACCOUNT_ASSGMNT - Database Conversion: Account Assignment Types

Program CACS_DBC_700_ACCOUNT_ASSGMNT converts the database foraccount assignment types for remuneration types and
settlement types.Previously the account assignment information for all settlement systemswas stored in tables <(><<)>APPL>_ACCAS (remuneration types) and <(>
<<)>APPL>_ACCST (settlement types).
With the introduction of the "new" settlement as of Release EA-APPL 700,a separate table is created for each (possible) settlement system foraccount assignment types, remuneration types and settlement types. Touse the "new" settlement you must first transfer the data from tables<(><<)>APPL>_ACCAS and <(><<)>APPL>_ACCST to the new tables. The entriesin <(><<)>APPL>_ACCAS and <(><<)>APPL>_ACCST remain unchanged.
The following tables are provided for editing account assignment types:

  • FI settlement system: <(><<)>APPL>_ACRFI (remuneration types) and <(>

  • <<)>APPL>_ACSFI (settlement types)
    • HR settlement system: <(><<)>APPL>_ACRHR (remuneration types) and <(>

    • <<)>APPL>_ACSHR (settlement types)
      • CD settlement system: <(><<)>APPL>_ACRCD (remuneration types) and <(>

      • <<)>APPL>_ACSCD (settlement types)
        • Customer's own settlement system: <(><<)>APPL>_ACR01 (remuneration
        • types) and <(><<)>APPL>_ACS01 (settlement types)

          You execute the program when you convert the "old" settlement to the"new" one.

          You have enhanced the relevant tables for your connected settlementsystems in the construction of the commission application according toyour specific business requirements and executed the activity
          Generate Structures and Tables in the generating program. You musthave created the generated application-dependent tables to allow theconversion to take place.

          When you start the program, the account assignment types are convertedto the new tables.
          The data is transferred on the basis of name equality (usingMOVE-CORRESPONDING) according to the settlement system packages that ha
          ve been selected for your application.

          Account assignment types, remuneration types and settlement types areconverted separately.
          All the account assignment types (in table TCACS_ACCAS) in Customizingare read separately and displayed. You then have to decide for whichsettlement system(s), in other words, to which tables, the entries in<(><<)>APPL>_ACCAS and <(><<)>APPL>_ACCST are transferred. The(period-based) data is transferred 1:1. No changes are madeduring the conversion (particularly with regard to the technicalvalidity).
          This program can only be run once to convert remuneration types andonce for settlement types. The information documenting the execution ofthe conversion is stored on the database and prevents data from beingconverted again.
          We strongly recommend first executing the conversion in test mode(without database update) before carrying out the update run.
          You should then check in the log if processing met your requirements. Ifso, you can now execute the conversion as an update run (with databaseupdate). At this point the information showing that the conversion hasbeen executed is logged. A log is also written in test mode.

          No standard variants are delivered.

          The tables specific for the settlement system are filled with therelevant account assignment information.

          Start the report with transaction SE38 and check the log to make surethat the results match your expectations.