SAP Program CACS_CORR_HISTORY - Correspondence - Display Correspondence History (ALV Grid)

The correspondence history displays the selected correspondence requeststhat are present in the correspondence container.
Depending on the processing step carried out, the system sets thetechnical status of the correspondence request. It serves the purpose ofdocumenting the processing steps of a correspondence request in thechange documents. In the history you can immediately view the lastprocessing step executed and recognize all the processing steps throughthe change documents.
Possible processing steps:

  • Create correspondence request

  • Create non-printable correspondence request

  • Output correspondence request (real time, test, repeat print)

  • Logical deletion of correspondence request

  • You can ascertain from the output date if the correspondence has alreadybeen output or not.

    The selected correspondence requests were already generated and arelocated in the correspondence container. You have defined the requiredcorrespondence status in the SAP Implementation Guide under Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions ->Correspondence -> Define Status for Correspondence.