SAP Program CACS_ADJUST_HR_PARTNER - Adjust Business Partner with HR Employee

Adjustment of Business Partners and HR Employees

This report adjusts business partners with corresponding HR employees.It is based on the link between business partners in the PD and centralpersons (PD object type "CP"), which are, in turn, linked withemployees (object type "P").
If an employee is adjusted, but is not yet linked to a businesspartner, then a new business partner and a link are created.
Adjustments include PA information categories measures (0000),organizational assignment (0001), personal data (0002), address (0006),bank details (0009) and communication (0105).
Changes to HR that apply retroactively become effective for thebusiness partner on the date of the comparison.

If HR is used in a separate system, then the change information must betransferred from HR to the BP system using the CACS_TRANSFER_HRLOGreport. The HR data is read using the RFC destination specified in thebasic data for the source system.

Selection using personnel numbers is particularly intended for testpurposes.
The "adjust all employees" indicator enables you to select HR employeesregardless of any change log that might exist. This option isparticularly useful when adjusting for the first time, or for testpurposes. Otherwise, only employees that have been amended should beadjusted due to the runtime involved.

A log is displayed containing the messages generated during theadjustment. You can display this again afterwards using transactionCACS_DISPHRLOG.