SAP Program CACS_600_XPRA_NSC - XPRA to EA_APPL 600 Due to Namespace Changes

This XPRA program carries out the required steps to protect existingapplications after the implementation of namespace changes in ReleaseEA-APPL 600.

Tables that have undergone a namespace change (previously in APPL, nowin another field) are treated as follows:

  • Search of customer namespace in all ISF packages. Deletion of any
  • entries.
    • Search of SAP namespace in all commission applications. If entries are
    • found, the table is locked for copying by Customizing by the entryTCACS_NSC_TABEXC.
      Due to the change in data element CACSINSTNR from NUMC to CHAR, the oldinitial value (00) is replaced by the new one ( ). This affects tablesTCACS_DESFIELDS, TCACS_OBJINST and TCACS_OBJTYPES.