SAP Program CACS_471_XPRA_02 - XPRA: Convert CACS_CTRTBU

Short text

Activity filter in commission contract and commission case (changed)

Up until release 4.63 you could set the Commission cases set aspending indicator. If the indicator was set, all of the commissioncases that referred to the commission contract were set to pending. Asof release 4.64, you can now decide more precisely whether a commissioncase that refers to a commission contract should be set to pending.
You do this using the Activity Filter field, whereby the activitytypes that are allowed depend on the contract type.
When a commission contract (of a particular contract type) comes to anend, the commission contract partner can no longer be paid anycommission from new, replacement, or adjustment business. However, theyare still entitled to remuneration for in-force business maintenance.
This requirement is now reflected in release 4.64. The indicatorComn cases set as pending is therefore obsolete as of release4.64.

XPRA (Conversion of the old dataset using report:CACS_464_CACS_CTRTBU
The data that referred to the old field Comn cases set as pendingis migrated to the new field.

The field FLG_STOPCASE in the transfer structure is obsolete. Asof release 4.64, the field FILTERID is included ion the transferstructure.

To ensure that unwanted remuneration types/standard remuneration typesare not calculated for a business object type, you have to remove themfrom the calculation process. This process is documented in a log entry.You execute this activity in the Customizing for the Incentive andCommission Management system under:
Incentives and Commission Management -> Tools ->Filter -> Maintain Exception Handling. To decide whether acommission case that refers to a commission contract should be set aspending, you must first define the activity filter. You do this in theCustomizing for Incentive and Commission Management under:
Incentive and Commission Management -> Tools -> Filter
-> Activity Filter
Which activity types are permitted depends on the commission contracttype that you assign to the activity filter in Customizing. You do thisin the Customizing for Incentive and Commission Management under:
Incentive and Commission Management -> Basic and Master Data
-> Standard Commission Contract -> Assign CommissionContract Types to Partner Types
The activity filter has its own field group (no. 63) in thearea menu. The known BDT field modifications (see theBDT developer handbook) are therefore available.

See also
Release information: Remuneration Filter