SAP Program BUPXPRA16 - BP: Adapt field modification for splitting field groups

Because of the need to flexibly change in Customizing / VCTthe sequence of the fields"person: first name" and "person: last name" (previously groupedtogether in field group 25) in view BUP300 ("person: name and title"),the two fields were included, each with its own field group, in two newviews, BUP301 ("person: first name") and BUP302 ("person: last name").The fields were removed from the corresponding dynpro (view BUP300).The new field group 54 was created for the last name of the person.
A flexible configuration is not required for any of the other fieldgroups affected by a division (search terms, birth date/place, name 3and 4 of the organization, name 1 and 2 of the group; all that isrequired is separate control in the field modification.
To convert the field groups 25 "person: first name" and 54 "person:last name", it is necessary to determine the section to which the viewBUP300 ("person: name and titel") is currently assigned. This is thesection BUP010 ("name") in the standard system.
These can be user-defined sections or sections configured using the VCT.The changes for section BUP010 are delivered via client 100 and cantherefore not be adapted using XPRA.
A reference is made to the manual subsequent processing of the affectedsections for user-defined sections (Y* and X*) in the the log ofXPRAS. The (new) views BUP301 and BUP302 are assigned to these sectionsin transaction BUS4.
The new views are inserted in sections configured using the VCT(determination of new position numbers).
In addition, the field status settings in the BDT control tables for thefield grouping must be adpated for all the new field groups(54, 58, 59, 2461, 2462). In more detail, this means that for the fieldgroups
- 25, 54* "person: first name", person: last name"
- 5, 58* "search term 1", "search term 2"
- 31, 59* "person: birth date", "person: birth place"
- 47, 2461* "organization: name 3", "organization: name 4"
- 55, 2462* "group name 1", "group name 2"
*) new field groups in ABA 6.40
the field modification for the new field groups has to be adapted inthe listed tables according to the field status of the original fieldgroups by
- BP role (TB103, TB103_2)
- Activity (TB105, TB105_2)
- Partner type (TB004, TB004_2)
- External application (TB104, TB104_2)
- Cross-client (TB102, TB102_2)
- BP category (TBZ3P, TBZ3P_2)

Conversion of the above-mentioned tables



Log of the XPRA run.

If necessary, manual assignment of the BDT views BUP301 and BUP302in transaction BUS4 for user-defined sections (Y*, Z*).