SAP Program BUPA_CONTPREL_SET_DEFAULT - Set the Indicator "Standard Contact Person"

You can use this report to set the standard indicator for contactperson relationships for business partners.

In certain application processes it is an advantage if a contact personthat is maintained for an organization, is indicated as the standardcontact person.
This report sets the standard indicator (BUT050-XDFREL) on the basis ofcertain criteria.

You can first establish the number range of the business partners forwhich the report should be started with the help of a selectionparameter. The parameter is optional and the report is designed in sucha way that it can be started for large datasets as well.
By means of additional filter parameters that correspond to the contactperson attributes, it is possible to specify in more detail - in thecase that there is more than one contact person - which of the contactpersons should receive the indicator.
If you set several filter parameters, these criteria are linked duringthe data selection and all the criteria are taken into account duringthe selection.
If the available filter criteria do not suffice, then the hit listfound per business partner can be further restricted via the BAdIBUPA_CONTPREL_DEFAUL.
Set the indicator With Database Update if the changes should beupdated on the database. If you wish only to carry out a test run, thendo not set this indicator.

If you set the parameter With Log, then all attempts to changecontact persons, whether successful or unsuccessful, are logged in theapplication log.
The log is displayed when the report is finished running.