SAP Program BP_TD_SWITCH - Conversion Report for Time-Dependent Data for Business Partners

In Release 6.40, time dependency for the tables BUT0BK and BUT020 andfull time dependency for the address usages (new table BUT021_FS) wasintroduced for the business partner. This report converts the tablesBUT020/BUT021 into the new table BUT021_FS, as well as possible plannedchanges (tables PCDHDR/PCDPOS) into the aforementioned tables for one ormore business partners. In the same way, planned changes for addresscommunication data are converted into the communication data tables ofthe BAS, which also support time dependency in 6.40. In addition, thedata for the roles is converted in table BUT100.
As of Release 7.0, with the introduction of time dependency for centraldata (table BUT000), the conversion of planned changes to the tablesBUT000 and BUT000_TD is supported.

When reading a partner by means of the module of the function groupBUPA_SELECT, the conversions for this partner are also carried out sothat only data that has already been converted is delivered (continuousconversion).

The report can be restricted with regard to the partners to be convertedand also with regard to the runtime.

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1228662Upgrade: Time dependency business partner, conversion
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942534SAP BP: Performance with module BUPA_TD_PARTNER_SWITCH