SAP Program BPREP_RETRAKTOR_BCS_NEW - Transfer of SAP BW Plan Data to BCS

This program transfers budget planning data from the SAP BW system tothe Funds Management BudgetControl System.

The following prereq,,uisites apply:

  • The BW system you are using must have at least release status 2.0A.

  • You need to carry out the following IMG activity in Customizing for the
  • Budget Control System Define FieldAssignments.

    The program outputs the FM account assignments on the basis of the fieldassignments set in Customizing, as long as no derivation is required forreturning the budget account assignment. This is the case if planningwas already carried out for budget account assignments. If a derivationis required to return the budget account assignments, the derivationstrategy defined in your Customizing settings is used to derive thecorresponding account assignments.

    The program only transfers planning data to BCS if the FM area, versionand fiscal year specified are correct. If the query contains data thatdoes not meet this criteria, the planning data is not transferred,although it is noted in the log.
    Query Variants:
    You need query variants when you want to transfer queries containingvariables in the background. In a query variant, you determine withwhich values the variables are to be filled. You can specify the variantin the plan data transfer or you can create one by choosing the button'Create Variant for BW Query' : you have to enter a range for existingvariable and you have to save the variant under a name. Then, this newquery variant can be used for the transfer.
    If you execute the planning data transfer online with a query thatcontains variables and if you have not created any variants, the systemasks you to enter these variables.
    You only need to specify the key date if you determine that a derivationis to take place in Customizing for the field assignment. Furthermore,you only need to enter a derivation strategy if you select "DerivationBudget Planning" as the derivation in Customizing for the fieldassignment for the chosen query.
    Additional Restrictions for FM Account Assignments
    You can restrict the derivation results to specific FM accountassignments by using this option.
    Processing Options
    The data is updated on the target version side according to thespecified update mode. Note that for the optionReset and Overwrite, only the data that matches the selectioncriteria for the target (fiscal year, budget category, version, FMaccount assignments, and budget types) is reset.
    The Grouping settings allow you to specify the FM accountassignment element combinations to be grouped in one change document(line items table FMBDP). A new change document is always created foreach new fund. In the Grouping settings you can extend the grouping toone of the other FM account assignment elements (for example, you cancheckmark the field Funds Center in order to get a new documentfor each new combination of fund and funds center). To avoid overflow inthe change document number range (line items table FMBDP), you can onlyselect one account assignment element in addition to the fund.
    You can run the program either as a test run or an update run.Background processing is also possible.
    Header Information
    You have to specify the document type anddocument date for the budget entry documents created.You can also add further information such as the document header text,person responsible, etc. The header information is displayed in allgenerated budget entry documents.
    Document Family Number
    The documents created by one program run are grouped by adocument family number and can therefore be easilyretrieved again afterwards. For example, you can use the document familynumber for selection if you want to reverse all documents created in onerun, by using the program Reverse Budget EntryDocuments.

    The program generates a detailed SAP List Viewer output with the resultsof the program run, provided this option was selected. This output listcontains the following information:

    • FM account assignment element

    • Internal budgeting process

    • Budget type

    • Total amount of the budget entry document line

    • Indicator specifying the maximum error degree (error, warning,
    • information)
      • Document number - in case the document was not posted (test run or
      • errors), a temporary document number is generated by the program anddisplayed.
        • By double-clicking on the document you can go to the document display
        • screen.
          If errors occurred, an application log is created and displayed.
          Note: If update profile 600, and thus the budgetary ledger, isactive, the additional fields for the budgetary ledger are shown, andare also transferred to the entry document.
          SAP recommends that you carry out the transfer of BW plan data in aversion called "Template" or in a user-defined budget type, which youcan call, for example "BTBW".
          You should copy this budget version to the template via the copy program
          , after which the budgeting phase starts.
          Please note that you should not use this template version as a realbudget version, because if you enter budget on this template version andthen rerun the Retractor, your existing budget will be deleted by thisnew transfer. If you want to update your template version, there are twooptions:
          • If you have made changes to the derivation tool, you can reverse all
          • your entry documents via the document family number and run a new BWtransfer.
            • If you make no changes to the derivation tool and there are only planned
            • values for this version, you can run the program using the option "Resetand Overwrite". However, please note that this scenario should only beused if only planned values exist for a version, with no manual changeshaving been made to the derivation tool previously.

932908Mass transactions in simulation mode