SAP Program BPDIST06 - Reconstruction of additional revenues


Reconstruct Additional Revenues

You can use this program if you have changed the budget structure (BS)by adding/removing a new level or by adding, reassigning or deleting anindividual budget object.
If you use the distribution method for revenues increasing the budget,or if you manually repost an available additional revenue, the budgetstructure change can lead to the additional revenue no longer beingsaved consistently.
Therefore the program reconstructs the additional revenue.
Then you must reconstruct the assigned values.
Please note:
As long as there are no budget values or assigned funds for the changedelements saved in the system, a change in the BS is not critical. Thesame is true for the adding of new budget objects. However, you should,if at all possible, not reassign any budget objects to which budget hasalready been posted.

At the lowest level of the budget structure, the distributed value isalways 0 and the distributable value corresponds to theexpenditure-like budget on the revenue FM account assignment (theso-called additional revenue). At all superior levels the programdetermines the appropriate values as follows: The distributed value ofa budget structure element results from the total of all additionalrevenues of all subordinate budget structure elements.
The distributable value of the budget structure element is not changedby the program. Therefore the additional revenue of the budgetstructure element is only adjusted, if the additional revenues of thesubordinate budget structure elements have not changed.
The program does not overwrite the values. Instead it posts thecalculated difference and then reconstructs the distributed values forall budget structure elements.
Documents are only generated for the difference postings
Only the additional revenues that have already been reposted are takeninto consideration. The budget values will not be adjusted.

Execute program
You should always execute this program in the background.
Ensure that during the program run no budget documents and no documentsthat are subject to active availability control, are being posted inthe system.

You must reconstruct the budget values.
If you use the active availability control, you must reconstruct theassigned values after running this program.
If you use budget surcharges (customer area European Commission), youmust recalculate them after running this program.

Execute the program in the background.
Reconstruct the budget values.
If required, reconstruct the assigned values.
Customer area European Commission: Recalculate the budget surcharge.