SAP Program BOSPS_BATCH_TRANSFER - Cost Transfer to Project: Batch Processing


Batch Processing to Transfer Costs from BOS to Project

This program executes the batch transfer of costing items from a BOS toWBS elements.

On completion of the transfer, you can generate a cost and revenuereport using the data transferred to the project.

The selected batch profile must exist in the Customizing of Salesand Distribution -> Bill of Services ->Configure a Batch Processing Profile for theCost Transfer to a Project. In a profile, you determine:

  • Reference points for the
  • service line cost estimatetransfer
    • Reference points for the
    • costing item transfer
      • Selection priority for the transfer

      • You must enter or check the values for the reference points both in theBOS and in the WBS elements. All required data must exist and agreewith Customizing settings in the selected batch profile.

        The selection parameters include:

        • Sales document item with a BOS

        • Project or WBS element

        • Batch profile
        • Output
          The system uses the Customizing settings as criteria for mapping.
          If the transfer of theservice line cost estimatehas higher priority, the system reacts as follows:

          • If the reference points for the cost estimate transfer of a service
          • line match, the system transfers the service line cost estimate. Thistransfer is irrespective of whether the reference points for thetransfer of individual costing items (which belong to the matchingservice line) also match or not.
            • If the reference points for the transfer of a costing item go together,
            • but the reference points for the cost estimate transfer of thecorresponding service line do not match, the system transfers only thesuitable costing item to the WBS element.
              If the transfer of thecosting item has higherpriority, the system reacts as follows:
              • If the reference points for the transfer of a costing item match, the
              • system transfers the costing item to the WBS element. This transfer isirrespective of whether the reference points for cost estimate transferof this service line match or not. In both cases, the service line costestimate is not even transferred once.
                • If the reference points for the transfer of a service line cost
                • estimate match, but the reference points for the transfer of thecosting items (which belong to this service line) do not match, thesystem transfers the cost estimate.
                  The transfer to the project is dependent on the number of the matchingWBS elements that the system determines as target candidates:
                  • If only one WBS element is matched for the cost transfer, the system
                  • transfers the costs to the respective WBS element.
                    • If several WBS elements are matched for the cost transfer, the system
                    • cannot automatically transfer to several WBS elements. You get an errormessage. You can call a reconciliation report to determine the costassignment. This report enables you to distribute the quantity of acosting item to several WBS elements.