SAP Program BEFG_TMPL_BD_ARCH_PREPROC - Archiving of Billing Engine Billing Docs: Preprocessing Program

Preprocessing for archiving document data from a Billing EngineApplication.

You can use various selection conditions such as billing type, billingdate, payer etc. to restrict the amount of documents you want toarchive. Only documents which have been transferred to financialaccounting or which have been completed by a cancellation (
Transfer Status to Financial Accounting)and which have not yet been flagged as archivable.
Billing documents are only selected for archiving when they haveexceeded their residence time. The residence time specifies the numberof days which must pass before a billing document can be archived. (
Residence Time of a Billing Document in Days
). It is stored in Customizing for the billing type (Customizing:Archiving Control in Billing. The processing date inthe billing header is used to determine whether the residence time hasbeen exceeded. The billing documents for a particular billing type areexcluded from archiving if no residence time is defined for this billingtype.
If a billing document is selected for archiving in the proprocessingprogram, it is flagged as archivable (Flag: Billing Document is Archivable in the billing header). It isnot possible to make further changes to billing documents flagged asarchivable.
You can start the preprocessing program for flagging selected billingdocuments both in a test run and in an update run. In the test run, thebilling documents are not actually flagged.
For CRM Billing, you can activate additional archivability validationusing the Enhanced Checks flag. If the flag is activated, thishas a negative effect on the performance of the preprocessing program.SAP recommends that you run these checks to preventinconsistencies in business processes such as the rejection oftransaction items, cancellation of goods issue and so on. If the flag isset, the following checks are carried out:

  • With the exception of cancellation billing documents, the system checks
  • each document to be archived to ascertain whether the corresponding CRMtransaction and, if applicable, the corresponding R/3 delivery havealready been archived. If the CRM transaction or the R/3 delivery isstill available in the database, the billing document is removed fromarchiving and a message is issued to the run log. The additional checkcan only be implemented if the CRM transaction and R/3 deliveries havealso been archived, and after archiving, deleted from the database.
    • For cancellation billing documents, the system checks whether the
    • corresponding cancelled billing document has already been archived orselected for archiving. If the cancelled billing document has not yetbeen selected for archiving, the cancellation billing document isremoved from archiving and a message is issued to the run log.
      Warning: It is possible that the enhanced check for acancellation billing document fails and further investigation shows thatthe corresponding cancelled billing document has already been selectedfor archiving. This can occur if the cancelled billing document wasselected for archiving in this run and the time of selection is beforethe time of the enhanced check of the cancellation billing document. Inthis case, the cancellation billing document is selected for archivingduring the next run of the preprocessing program.

      The preprocessing program is scheduled using ArchiveAdministration. Choose the object in question aaaa (aaaa stands for the Billing Engine Application, for example, CRMBstands for CRM Billing).
      Further functions for archiving document data in Billing EngineApplications:

      • Write Program: Write Billing Documents
      • to archive file
        • Delete Program: Delete archived data

        • Postprocessing Program: Delete
        • rejected, unbilled billing due list items