SAP Program BEFG_TMPL_BD_ARCH_POST_LB - Delete Main Due List Items

This program can be used if you have activated either of the followingbilling features:

  • Scheduled Billing Without Request Items

  • Billing for FS Contract

  • You can use the program after archiving billing documents, to deletemain billing due list items from the database. Main billing due listitems are created for each billable item in a transaction, but are notin themselves relevant for billing, and do not appear in the billing duelist. Main billing due list items are created by the system in thebackground if one of the above features is activated.

    Main billing due list items can only be deleted when related due listitems have been billed.
    Before using this program in production mode, we recommend that youcreate an additional index on database table /1BEA/CRMB_DLI, containingthe fields CLIENT and BILL_STATUS.
    You should schedule the program to run less frequently than thearchiving runs, and only to run at times when the system load is low.

    You can execute this postprocessing program in test mode and in deletionmode. In test mode, no data is deleted from the database. In addition,you can restrict the program selection using the transaction type anditem category of the business transaction.