SAP Program BDT_COMPARE - BDT: Comparison and Transport of Control Tables

Program for Comparison and Transport of BDT Settings Between DifferentClients and Systems

Use this report to compare all relevant Customizing entries forcontrolling a BDT application object. The corresponding tables areassigned to the package BUPA. They belong to category C, and areclient-specific.
The entries that have been compared are output in a list. You can selectentries and place them in a Customizing transport request, if required.You must ensure that the transport request actually sends data to thetarget system.

The main term is the BDT application as the subordinate term of the BDTapplication object. The program uses the application as the smallestmeaningful unit for which the corresponding control settings can begrouped and transported. The starting point is the naming convention(see BDT developer's manual) used to assign all BDT entities such asscreens, object parts, data sets, and so on, uniquely to an application.
For a given application, the system compares all entities that qualifyon the basis of the corresponding naming convention. The assignmentsbetween two entities are regarded as belonging to the application if atleast one of the two entities itself belongs to the application.
Example: In application object BUPA you select application BUP. Not onlyis section BUP010 itself selected, but also the assignments to the viewsthat this section contains, and the assignments to the screens in whichthis section appears. It is irrelevant whether the views or screens areassigned to the BUP application by name.
A complete comparison for an application can only be made if the namingconvention is strictly observed.
Table entries that are directly dependent on entities, such as texttables, automatically belong to the same application. This also appliesto field groups, screen fields, and assignments to screen fields thatdepend directly on the view of an application.
If only one application object without applications is specified, thenall the entries that have that application object in the key areselected.

You must use transaction SM59 to define an RFC link (even if the onlydifference between the source and target system is the client).
Function module BDT_SELECT must exist in the target system.
Coding is only operational from Release 4.6 onwards.


Specify an application object.
If no applications are specified, the system selects all entriesrelevant to the defined application object. In this case it makes senseto set the flag for cross-application settings to ensure that all of thesettings required for the application object are transported.
You can still specify one or several applications. In this case youwould normally choose not to transport cross-application settings, andnot set the corresponding flag.
You can specify if you want to display entries that are the same,different, only existing in the source system, or only existing in thetarget system.
You can also display just those settings belonging to one language.

The result of the comparison is output in a list that is based on theALV grid control. This means that you can format the list of results.
Double-click to obtain a detailed view for each line in the list.
You can select any entries that you wish (by pressing the Control key).If you choose the "Transport" activity in the menu of the list, youcreate a Customizing transport request and a Customizing task (SE10),which are written to tables E071 and E071K.
You can select entries for a transport request not only if they aredifferent, or if they only exist in the source system, but also if theyonly exist in the target system. In this case, entries with thecorresponding key in the target system are deleted. To enable a completetransport, you can also transport matching entries.

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