After the documents (purchase requisition, purchase order, reservation)have been created in the backend system for a requirement coveragerequest, the following references are stored in the requirementcoverage request:

  • The name of the backend system in which the documents exist.

  • The R/3 document numbers

  • Subsequent activities for the documents can take place in the backendsystem. For example, a goods receipt for a purchase order. Using thereport "Update requirement coverage requests", you can transfer thefollowing information on subsequent activities from the backend systemto the Enterprise Buyer System:
    • For the purchase requisition: the purchase order that was created with
    • reference to the purchase requisition, the goods receipt quantity andthe invoiced quantity for the purchase order
      • For the purchase order: the goods receipt quantity and the invoiced
      • quantity
        • For the reservation: the quantity withdrawn

        • The report always updates all requirement coverage requests for whichR/3 documents have been created.
          You should only start the report in the background. SAP recommendsstarting the report daily, In this way, you ensure that the informationthat the user sees in the "Status and Delete" scenario is up-to-date.

          The report either issues a message stating that the changes have beenmade successfully, or issues an error log.
          The log can contain the following types of errors:

          • In the Enterprise Buyer system, there is the information that the
          • requirement coverage request has been transferred to the backend system(status 6), but no reference is transferred to the requirement coveragerequest.
            • The system did not find the R/3 document to which the cross-reference
            • is made.
              In this case, the report only writes the changes to the EnterpriseBuyer system for those requirement coverage requests that do notcontain errors.
              • Communication errors

367920BBP_PU090 no reference to backend object/REQREF empty
362957BBP_GET_STATUS generates dump in the back-end
131088INST: SAP B2B Procurement Installation 1.0B