SAP Program BBP_ES_FIND_DOC_WITH_ES_NUMBER - Find Purchasing Documents with E-Sourcing References

You can use this report to find purchasing documents that werereplicated or published from e-sourcing to ERP.

You have made all the required settings in Customizing forIntegration with Other Components under E-Sourcing
, for activating the integration of the ERP system with the SAPE-Sourcing application. Under Settings for E-Sourcing Integration
, you have also assigned the relevant text IDs in the Referenceto ES Request for Proposal and Reference to ES Master Agreement
group boxes.

On the selection screen you can enter the document number of the masteragreements or the requests for proposal created in the e-sourcing systemto find the corresponding ERP purchasing documents. You can useasterisks in the selection, but to avoid a long runtime an entry for oneof the two parameters is required.

The result list displays all purchase requisitions, purchase orders,requests for quotation, contracts and scheduling agreements that werepublished from the e-sourcing RFPs or e-sourcing master agreements thatyou entered on the selection screen. In addition you can display the ERPdocuments and their materials.