SAP Program ARLNK_LHM_PROPAGATE_LEGAL_HOLD - Propagation of Legal Hold Information to ArchiveLink Documents

You use this report to propagate legal holds on ArchiveLink-linkeddocuments and print lists that have been transferred to the storagesystem. This ensures physical protection against the destruction anddeletion of data by the storage system. The storage system must have anILM-certified interface including retention propagation for ArchiveLinkreferences.

Legal holds are set by the user for individual ArchiveLink-linkeddocuments and print lists. This protection is implemented in the form ofreferences to these files, which must also be created in the storagesystem.
The report handles only those files for which references have alreadybeen created and the legal hold has been set, changed, or deletedretroactively. In all other cases, the legal hold is propagated when thereference is created. The following reports are available for thispurpose:



  • Note: Different prerequisites apply in the Retention Warehouse scenario.For more information, see the specific documentation.
    The entries in the database tables LHM_LH_PGATE_AL, LHM_LH_PGATE_DL andLHM_PGATE_AL_RW are the standard entries. These tables are filled whenyou save a legal case.
    The report is intended to be scheduled periodically as a background job.


    Test Mode
    The protection against destruction and deletion of data is not set inthe storage system.

    Detailed Log
    Success messages are not displayed in aggregated form.