SAP Program ABAP_SEARCH_01 - SAP Enterprise Integrated Indexing Engine

The Integrated Enterprise Indexing Engine determines genres inthe enterprise system landscape and indexes these in the memory. Thisenables subsequent search queries to be processed efficiently.
Note: This product, as a demo version with restricted functions,is the result of research and not part of the SAP license. Nomaintenance is provided for this product in the context of the SAPlicense agreement. A total liability disclaimer applies: Neither SAP northe author guarantee the relevance, correctness, completeness, orquality of the services provided by this product. Liability claimsagainst the author that refer to material damages caused by the use ornon-use of the services provided by this product in the SAP system areexcluded. The liability disclaimer particularly applies to potentialconsequential damages.
All services provided in this product are subject to change and withoutobligation. The author reserves the right to change, enhance, or removeparts of this product or the complete product without notice, or endpublication temporarily or permanently.
Jan Aalmink Walldorf, 10/06/2006