SAP Program ABAP_DOCU_KW_LINK_R - Repair or transport link in KW in the IWREFERNC

Using this program you can repair links in the Knowledge Warehouse thatcan be used in SAPScript. You can also put any links in a transportrequest.


Repare Link
Call the desired SAP Library text in the browser.
Execute program.
Enter the UUID to be repaired/transported.
Copy the LOIO and SLOIO from the address line of the browser into thecorresponding fields on the selection screen. By default, the fieldsstructure class and topic class are initialized with the documentationclass for structures and topics that are not written in the XMLenvironment (IWB_STRUCT and IWB_EXTHLP). For links to structures andtopics saved in XML format, XDP_STRUCT and BCO_COMMON can be used.
If the correct documentation is displayed: Execute.
Repair/transport the modified link in the database from the resultsscreen. A transport request must be made.

Transport link
If you only want to transport an existing link, skip steps 1 and 5.