SAP Program /VSO/P_RLVSDR40_PDF - Trigger Printing of Transfer Order

This report (RLVSDR40) is triggered when transferorders are created. You can also call it directly using theTransfer Order -> Print transaction.
If you only specify the warehouse number andtransfer order number when you start the report, the program calls therequired control data from the print control tables in Customizing. Youcan also carry out an analysis of the print control tables inCustomizing.
If a manual reprint is made, the system copies the print code, printer,and spool indicator from the screen entries (if specified).
If you want the document selection to be taken from the screen entriesand not based on the Customizing settings, select the 'Print Documentsas Selected' switch.

See the Implementation Guide for the required Customizing settings.

The program is a new feature for Release 4.0. For a detaileddescription, see the Release Note on printing
in WM.