SAP Program /SPE/OBDLV_LOGFILE_ANALYSE - Interface Communication from CRM --> ERP using the SHELL module

This report enables you to carry out troubleshooting activities. Withit, you can monitor inbound and outbound communication between the ERPsystem and SAP CRM in the system configuration for service partsmanagement.

You only record logfiles if the SET/GET parameter (Tx SU01)/SPE/IF_OUTB_LOGFILE is set to XA, XB, or XAB (see below) for the ERPsystem users involved in communication between the ERP system and SAPCRM (and for anonymous users such as ALEREMOTE).
Note: To prevent any loss in system performance, switch off themonitoring using parameter /SPE/IF_OUTB_LOGFILE after you have finishedtroubleshooting.

Application number:
XA = All incoming communication from SAP CRM that triggered themodule /SPE/DELIVERYPROCESSING_SHELL in the ERP system
XB = All outgoing communication from the ERP system to SAP CRMregarding outbound deliveries (via /SPE/CRS_SEND_DELIVERY_DATA and/SPE/CRM_SEND_RESPONSE_DLV)
Predecessor doc number:,,Relevant SAP CRM order number
Date:,,,,,,,,,,Date when the communication took place
Transaction:,,,,,,Relevant transaction (for example, VL10)
Delete selected entries:,,,,Log entries for aforementionedselection will be deleted (irretrievably) from database.
,,,,,,,,,,If you enter '**' instead of XA or XB, the system will deleteentries for both XA and XB.

The list of XA entries contains the SAP CRM order number in the secondcolumn.
The list of XB entries contains the group number of the collective runinstead, since multiple SAP CRM orders may be involved.
By double-clicking on a list entry, you can drill down to the datacontainers, which are the interface parameters of the function module/SPE/DELIVERYPROCESSING_SHELL in the ERP system in the case of XA, andthe XLIKP or XLIPS internal tables, for example, in the case of XB.
Note: Bear in mind that the deliveries (VBELN) mentioned in theXB logs have been deleted already due to the transformation of uncheckeddeliveries to checked deliveries