SAP Program /SAPCND/CND_RECORD_WRITE - Archive Condition Records: Write Program

With this program, the system can use appropriate selection criteria toread condition records from the database and write them to an archive.

Archivng object CND_RECORD also has another deletion program(/SAPCND/CND_RECORD_DELETE) that can be used to delete condition recordsthat have been written into an archive.

To use the write program, you must first set uparchiving. When doing this, remember that you can only entercombinations of application andusage for which an implementation of theBusiness-Add-In for checking /SAPCND/ARCH_CHECK exists with theappropriate filter values.

The write program has two modes for handling deleted condition records.You can select these by pressing the corresponding button:

  • No special treatment

  • This is the standard setting. This only selects those condition recordsfor which the residence time
    has expired. For further information, see the data elementSelection via residence time.
    • Only archive deleted records

    • This setting does not take the residence times into account, onlydeleted condition records are selected. Here too, however, the systemonly considers those combinations of application and usage for whicharchiving is set up. For further information, see data elementSelection via release status.
      From within these basic modes, you can choose additional selectioncriteria in order to precisely determine the quantity of selectedcondition records.

      You can choose from the following selection criteria for the conditionrecords:

      • Application

      • You must enter an application. The standard setting is 'CRM'.
        • Usage

        • One or more usages can be selected here. The input help displays all theusages that exist for the specified application.
          For application and usage together, it is only possible to entercombinations for which archiving has also been set up.
          • Condition type

          • This is where you can specify individualcondition types that areonly to be taken into account during the archiving run.
            • Condition maintenance group

            • Instead of selecting specific condition types, you can also select aspecific maintenance group. Remember that this selection is in additionto the selected condition types (i.e. the specified condition types aretaken into account in addition to the condition types in the maintenancegroup).
              • Condition table

              • You can use this selection option to restrict archiving to a singlecondition table. You canfind the corresponding key combination in the input help for this field.
                • Enhanced selection

                • You use this button to go to the enhanced selection screen where you canspecify five additional attributes in name-value pairs. Use input helpto find the appropriate attribute names.
                  For process controlling, you can switch between modes:
                  • Test mode

                  • Productive mode

                  • You also have the following options:
                    • Delete with test variant

                    • Detail log