SAP Program /SAPCND/CND_RECORD_RELOAD - Archiving Condition Records: Reload Program

Reload archived condition records.
This program is used to reverse the physical deletion of conditionrecords carried out with the deleteprogram, that is, the conditon records are returned to the database.
Note that the reload is not officially supported due to the possibilityof data inconsistencies. The reload program is intended as anemergency program that allows you to return condition records that weredeleted accidentally to the database. It should be executed as soonas possible after archiving has taken place.

Archive files for which the deletion run has been completedmust be available for archiving object CND_RECORD.

If changes were made in the database in the meantime so that thecondition record to be returned can be reloaded without conflicts(overlapping and so on), this record is moved to a separate archivein the production mode. The program then continues processing with thenext condition record.
The original archive receives the status 'reloaded' once the reload hasended in the production mode . The content of the archive can then nolonger be displayed with thedisplay program.