SAP Program /SAPCEM/INPUT_BGL91 - BGL91 Dtaa Format -> Standard File for Catalog Input

Conversion of the data format of the building publishers to thestandard format for transferring catalog data

The catalog data is available in a format as produced by the buildingpublisher. The text included in the catalog data is assigned to the BOMtext.
In order to assign texts to the structure entries that areautomatically created or to assign different catalog texts to thenumbers in the catalog for the structure display of BOM text, you canalso include an unformatted text file. First the structure number andthen the catalog text is listed per data record in this text file.
If no text file is included or no data record exists for the catalogentry in the text file, the catalog text for the catalog number isautomatically generated from the BOM text.
Please note that only one language can be processed using this report.If you want to maintain more than one langaugae at a time, they have tobe entered subsequently in the file that is produced.


You must enter the file name of the source file for the catalog dataand the target file. Entry of a text file is optional. You must enter acomplete menu path for all files.