SAP Program /SAPCEM/INPUT_BAL90 - BAL90 Data Format -> Standard File for Catalog Input

Conversion of the building publisher's data format to the standardformat for data transfer of catalog data.

The catalog data exist in a form as produced by the buildingpublishers.
In order to fill the structure entries that are automatically generatedwith texts, an unformatted text file can be used. The structure numberand then the catalog text are listed per data record in this text file.
You should be aware that only one language can be prepared with thisreport. If you want to maintain more than one language at a time, youhave to do this subsequently in the file that is produced.

You must enter the file name of the source file and the target file forthe catalog data but you only need enter a text file if you wish. Allfiles should have a complete path entered for them.