SAP Program /MAP/SSM02 - Slow Seller Analysis

Program in the slow seller management application that you use to createproposals from the analysis of stock and POS sales data, in combinationwith markdown profiles.

You can use Business Add/In /MAP/BADI_SSM_001
to adjust the steps of the slow seller analysis to suit yourspecific requirements.

You have defined markdown profiles and thesettings for markdown control.

The program determines the stock and POS sales data for the products andlocations determined with the selection criteria, using the queries thatyou defined in the settings for markdown control. In addition, themarkdown profile assignments for the products are determined.
The program analyzes the stock and POS sales data using the rules fromthe markdown profiles, and creates the relevant markdown profiles. POSsales data is aggregated in line with the specified analysis level.

You first enter the products for which the slow seller analysis is to beperformed. You use the analysis level to specify which locations in theanalysis are to be considered. You use the price activation level todetermine the organizational level for which you want to create markdownproposals. You can define analysis and price activation levelsindependently from one another (see example).
You define the permitted analysis and price activation levels in thenamed Customizing activity. Levels that are not flagged as permitted arenot displayed on the selection screen. If you have not defined anylevels, all possible levels are flagged as inactive on the selectionscreen.

The program creates an application log for the object W,subobject W_SSM. You use the relevant function to jump from theselection screen to the application logs.

Enter the necessary selection criteria. You then start the programonline, or you schedule background processing. For the functiondisplayed on the selection screen per pushbutton, processing startsimmediately. On the other hand, with the menu function you can specifythe processing time yourself.

You choose a distribution chain as the analysis level, but for the priceactivation level you choose locations by selecting them manually, orwith the radio button Analysis Level Locations. To evaluatemarkdown profile rules, the stock and POS sales data aggregated for alldistribution chain levels is used. If a markdown is required, markdownproposals are created for all the locations specified. If you have notlisted all distribution chain locations for the explicit entry, thegroup of locations used for the analysis, and the group of locations forwhich markdown proposals were created are not identical.
Conversely, you can define individual locations for the analysis, but adistribution chain for the price activation level. In this case, thelocations almost assume a pilot function for creating markdown proposalson "higher" price activation levels.
Similar procedures apply for other combinations of analysis and priceactivation level.

1021605Slow seller analysis: Actual sales ratio is rounded
842791Selection options without multiple selection
823758Runtime error COMPUTE_BCD_OVERFLOW in slow seller analysis