SAP Program /EACC/ARCHIV_RUN - Test Configuration Archiving

The program archives the documents of an accounting system

Archiving must be set up for the accounting system (
Implementation Guide)

You can use the characteristics selected in Customizing to select thedocuments to be archived. Without archiving, you can call up statisticsin the test mode about the number of data records in the document tablesand the resources used.

In Customizing, you can select the characteristics for the selection.When you execute archiving, you specify the values of the selectioncharacteristics in a variant.


Scheduling the "Write" job:
Choose the Write pushbutton. You can now make the necessaryentries for the archiving job.
The variant specifies the desired selections.
In the test mode, the documents are not written to the archive.
Instead, the system just issues statistics about the number of datarecords in the document tables and the resources used.
After selecting the variant, you need to enter the Start Date andwhere appropriate the Spool Parameters.
To schedule the job thus created for processing, choose Continue.
You can monitor the progress made in processing the job by choosingJob Overview.
Scheduling the "Delete" job:
With the standard settings, the delete program is set up to be startedmanually in the archiving object. Once the Write job has completedsuccessfully, you need to schedule the Delete job by choosing theDelete pushbutton.