SAP Program FIACEOBJWRI - Accrual Engine Accrual Object: Write Prorgram

trados = docu -> fi -> figl

This program enables you to archive accrual objects (archiving objectFI_ACE_OBJ) from tables ACEOBJ, ACEPSOH, ACEDSOH, ACEDSOI, ACEDSOP,ACEDSASSGMT, ACEPSOI, and ACEDSOI_ACCOUNTS.

Before you start the program, the accrual line items that belong to theaccrual objects to be archived must have been archived with thearchiving object FI_ACE_ITM. The processing status of the accrualobjects to be archived must be set to "Archive", that is, the fieldcontent of ACEOBJ-OBJSTATUS must be "F" in each case. You set thisstatus using the function "Prepare Archiving Run" in Customizing for theAccrual Engine (transaction ACEC).

In an archiving run, the data to be archived is stored in the archivefiles sorted by application component of the Accrual Engine, companycode, and accrual object.
Accrual objects for which Accrual Engine documents still exist in tableACEPSOIT or where the processing status is not "Archive" are notarchived. From a technical point of view, the latter means that thecontent of ACEOBJ-OBJSTATUS is not "F".

The accrual objects are selected by the application component of theAccrual Engine and the company code.