SAP Program FDM_P2P_CUSTOMER_LIST - Customer List - Process Receivables

trados = docu -> ep -> epfinfscmdm

This report enables you to create a customer list based on specificcriteria. You can branch to the processing of individual customeraccounts from the list.

The currency refers to the amount receivable entered.If it is differentto the local currency of the company code concerned, the systemtranslates the amount receivable into the local currency.


  • Currency: The amounts are displayed in the local currency of the
  • respective company code.
    • Promised (Residual): Total of all receivables for a customer
    • for which apromise to pay has been given.
      • Broken: Amount promised but not paid. All promises to pay that
      • have thestatus Broken are considered.
        Promises to pay with the status Partially Kept are consideredif thesystem date is after the due date of the promise to pay. If you havedefined tolerance days for valuating the state of a promise to pay inCustomizing, these are added to the due date of the promise to pay.
        • Broken and Due By: All promises to pay that have the status
        • Broken andthat are due by the due date entered are considered.
          Promises to pay with the status Partially Kept are consideredif thesystem date is after the due date of the promise to pay. If you havedefined tolerance days for valuating the state of a promise to pay inCustomizing, these are added to the due date of the promise to pay.