SAP Program FAGL_DR_PROVISION - Provisions for Doubtful Receivables

The report posts provisions for doubtful receivables to specific ledgergroups.
You need to have already defined the necessary combination of valuationarea and provision method in Customizing for Accounts Receivable andAccounts Payable. Depending on your Customizing settings, theprovisions are posted either gross (with tax) or net (with taxdeducted).
The report selects all items for a customer with the chosen
special G/L indicator. Theitems are sorted according to their due date, as prescribed by thecombination of valuation area and provision method. For each sort level,a percentage of the provision is specified in Customizing forAccounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. The system determinesthe provision amount and enters it in the document. The amount to beposted is the difference between the previous provision amount and thenew provision amount.
From the valuation area, the system derives the ledger group to whichposting is made.
For cleared items that show a provision of less than 100 percent, thesystem reverses the provision on the assumption that the original itemhas been paid.
The provision posting is made for each item.

Before the provision posting is created, the receivables must bereposted using report SAPF103 with the special G/L indicator tobe evaluated.
In Customizing for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable, youalso have to specify the account to which the provisions are posted(account for allocation of funds); you also have to specify theprovision account.

You can use various parameters to limit the customer open items that areselected.
The selection itself is always by valuation area and by valuationmethod. Using these criteria, the system determines the following:

  • Due dates

  • Percentages

  • Setting for gross or net posting

  • Setting for whether credit memos are counted completely or partially in
  • the provision amount
    • Account determination

    • You make these settings in Customizing for Accounts Receivable andAccounts Payable.
      Provision postings are generated only if you select the Carry OutPostings indicator.
      You can set the Reverse Postings indicator to reverse the lastprovision run. To make the reversal postings, you also have to set theCarry Out Postings indicator.
      If you set the In Transaction Currency indicator, the provisionmethod is posted in the transaction currency rather than in the companycode currency.

      The system displays all items with the special G/L indicator selected.
      The items are first sorted by customer, and, within each customer, theyare sorted by business area and due date. For each item, the reportdisplays the local currency amount, the previous provision amount, andthe new amount to be posted.
      For cleared doubtful receivables, the report also displays the clearingdate.
      The newly posted provisions are shown at the end of the list.
      Any errors that occurred during posting are also displayed and can beviewed in the message log.