SAP Program FAGL_COMP_SUM_RUNID - Compare Documents from Totals Document Transfer

You use this program in the ALE distribution scenario FI-GL (New),Transfer of Totals and Single Documents in Distributed Systems tocheck the totals of transferred documents on an account basis and todisplay any variances.
You start this program in the receiver system.

The sent IDocs need to have been posted successfully to the receiversystem.

For the reconciliation, you specify the sender system and arun ID.
In the receiver system, the run ID is stored in the document header ofposted documents in the Reference field. In the sender system,the run ID was specified when the Totals Document Transfer (NewGeneral Ledger Accounting) (FAGL_ALE_SEND) program wasstarted.
Based on the accounts, this program compares the totals of the posteddocuments in the receiver system against the totals of the posteddocuments in the sender system.

The system issues an application log containing any differences for eachaccount.