SAP Program EWUSTART - EMU Conversion: Start all Postprocessing Programs

You use this program to start all programs within a phase during thelocal currency changeover. The program determines the parametersrequired (package number and phase) from table EWUPAK.
A subprogram checks the status of the preceding program.
The following statuses are possible:

  • Space: Program has not yet run

  • OK: Program was completed without errors

  • STR: Program is still running

  • ERR: Program has terminated, error must be rectified

  • WRN: Program finished with a warning, changeover can be continued

  • PRO: Program only applies to the runtime forecast

  • Only programs with the status space, ERR, or STR are started.
    The programs are loaded into an internal table and supplied with asequence number (LFDNR) as a KEY:
    • All programs without a predecessor are given a 1,

    • All programs with a predecessor are given a 2,

    • Predecessors with a predecessor are given a 3,

    • Predecessors with a predecessor with a predecessor are given a 4, and
    • so on.
      This means that the correct order of dependent programs can beguaranteed.
      The number of records to be converted is determined from table EWUPGTABfor the conversion programs. These are also stored in the internaltable.
      A variant which may be necessary is determined from table EWUPGCT andstored in the same way.
      The sequence number (LFDNR) and the number of records are then the sortcriteria for the order in which background jobs are scheduled.
      The status of the program to be started and the possible predecessor ischecked.
      Before scheduling, the system checks whether a job already exists underthe same name (ready or released or activated). If this is the case, anew job is not scheduled.
      Jobs without a predecessor are provided with a start time, althoughthis is always put forward by three minutes to prevent the schedulingand the start of the job from overlapping. If a problem of this sortstill occurs, it can usually be solved by restarting all the programsin this phase.
      The program name is checked against TRDIR to see that it is valid.
      The job name is created as follows:
      P | | | | | P=Changeover;T=Runtime forec.(timeestimation)
      001| | | | Client
      100| | | Package number
      ANA | | ID for the Phase
      0001 | Sequence number
      BKPF Table to be converted
      Jobs beginning with "EWUPS" (S stands for SINGLE start) show that thisjob was started individually from the IMG (only applies to the ANALYZEand POST phases).

      The following was determined for the inclusion of the log entries:
      Dummy entries are defined in the status administration. The log for thestart program can be read under this name. The naming convention is asfollows:
      EWUPROTx x = 1st letter of the phase (such as log for the ANALYZEphase: EWUPROTA)
      These dummy entries have the status "OK" as soon as they are entered inthe status administration so that they are not interpreted as programsto be run.

498188Euro change: GETWA_TOO_MANY_SEGEMENTS in EWUSTART terminates
395543Changeover to the euro: a changeover phase is skipped