SAP Program /ISDFPS/RIIFLO15 - Extended Equipment History (Hierarchical)

This report can be used for afunctional location or apiece of equipment andenables you to display a hierarchical list of the equipment usageperiods of any previously installed equipment and the previous locationsof a piece of equipment.

From a technical object,you can display the object structure (functional locations and equipmenthierarchies). Depending on the options you selected previously(installed equipment and installation locations), the equipment usageperiods of equipment used are displayed in the hierarchy in differentcolors.
The equipment usage periods of historical installation locations aredisplayed for each piece of equipment in light green. They represent thehistorical locations (functional locations or equipment) of theequipment and show when the equipment was installed in the technicalobject.
The equipment usage periods of any previously installed equipment aredisplayed for each technical object in the hierarchy in light red. Theyrepresent the installation of the equipment in this technical object andshow which equipment was installed in the technical object and when.