SAP Program /ISDFPS/PM_CP_INSTALL_GOS - Distributed Maintenance - Install Gen. Obj. Service "Change Auth."

You use this report to activate the "Change Authorization for Object"generic object service.


  • Distributed maintenance must be activated in the current client.

  • You must be able to create workbench transport orders in the client
  • (client-independent settings for GOS settings).

    If you do not select the "Install Generic Object Service?" field andstart the report, the system informs you as to whether the service isinstalled.
    If you select the "Install Generic Object Service?" field and start thereport, the service is installed and the table changes made are writtento a transport request.
    If the generic object service was already installed before the reportwas run, no further action is taken.

    After you run the report, the system displays a list showing the statusof the service installation.