SAP Program EWUPACOP - Create Runtime Forecast Package

This program creates a runtime forecast package. The source of this isthe package created at the beginning of a local currency changeover. Inorder to get an idea of the different runtimes for restartability, youcan start a forecast both with and without the restart indicator. Onlycertain entries are copied from EWUPGCT for the status management.
If a runtime forecast package already exists, it is overwritten withthe new package. Before overwriting takes place, the old table contentsare first deleted.

Process flow
The program determines the active package.

  • If the active package is the changeover package, it is first
  • deactivated and the package number is saved.
    • If the active package is a runtime forecast package, the active package
    • is determined.
      If this is the productive package, it is first deactivated and theforecast package number is saved here.
      If the current package is already a forecast package but the new numberis different, there is an error.
      If the number is the same, the forecast is interrupted (probably withan ERROR) and should be continued.

      The source package must still be in the ANALYZE phase.

      The EMU tables are filled with the new package.