SAP Program EWUMMPOA - PO history analysis

The report has two functions:
Based on the purchase order items, the report uses thetransaction/event key to check if the settings for accountdetermination are correct. You configure the GR/IR clearing accountsand delivery costs clearing accounts in Customizing.
If the report cannot assign any G/L accounts to the transaction/eventkeys, it outputs the missing Customizing entries in table T030R "Rulesfor Account Determination".
Check if the account determination settings are available inCustomizing. Branch to the Customizing Implementation Guide as follows:
Materials Management -> Valuation and Account assignment -> AccountDetermination -> Account Determination Without Wizard - > CreateAutomatic Postings and then choose Account assignment.
A G/L account to be posted to must be assigned to each postingtransaction. If this is not the case, check in your production systemif the documents concerned are still relevant. If they are not, you canarchive the documents before the changeover.
The report reconciles the purchase order history records with the lineitems on the GR/IR clearing accounts and delivery costs clearingaccounts. If it finds any differences, it saves them in table EWUMMFI.
Differences can occur for the following reasons:

  • Manual postings have been made to the GR/IR account

  • The assignment number and purchasing document number have been changed
  • in the accounting document
    • Items on the GR/IR clearing accounts have been cleared using the wrong
    • assignment

      You should run this report during the analysis phase of the changeover.Due to the length of time required to run the report, you should startit in the background.

      The report issues a database log during the analysis of the accountassignments. The report status is documented. If no G/L accounts areassigned or if differences are found, the system sets the status to'Err'. You cannot continue with the changeover.

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