SAP Program EWUMMBEW_40 - MBEW: Compare Totals Segment from the Valuation Segments

Report for comparing the value in the totals record of the table MBEWfrom the total of the individual valuation records with split valuationfor the current period, the previous period and the previous year.
This report is used to resolve any inconsistencies that may arise fromthe conversion from local currency to the euro.

The report should be run in the postprocessing phase (after the actualconversion). During this phase, it can be started without using otherreports. However, while the report is being run, you should not carryout any valuation-relevant postings for materials, as the report doesnot block the valuation segments. Due to the length of time it takes torun the report, it should be started in the background.

If the report finds differences between the quantity in the totalsrecord and the totals of the individual valuation records, the totalsrecord is adjusted to the individual records.

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