SAP Program ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV_SETUP - Checkboxes

With this report, you make settings for the use of industry-dependentset types and further object enhancements in the technical objects.

The set types to be used have been generated, created, and transported.
For the transfer of service types, you have already created the servicetypes in the Assign Set Types to Divisionsactivity.
If you want to activate the enhancements for the management of temporarytechnical objects, you have activated management for temporary technicalobjects in Maintain Settings for Managementof Temporary Technical Objects activity.

In the first section, you can automatically incorporate the settypes assigned to the divisions beforehand into the product/point ofdelivery category intended for technical objects.
The ECRM_ISU_TO_DIV_SETUP program reads all of the set types that aremaintained in customizing for the view cluster. It automaticallydetermines which of the set types exist in the category of the objectfamily 0102 (based on your customizing settings in the COMM_HIERARCHYtransaction). If the set types exist, you can add them automatically tothe category. You can also delete set types, but only if no IObjectexists for this category/division.
In the second section, you create or enhance the CI include forthe technical objects with the set type structures you created with animplicit name that is the prerequisite to the use of set types.
In the third section, you can trigger the automatic enhancementof the CI includes for the technical objects with several structures:

  • First frame: Time slice management

  • You can trigger the automatic exchange of the standard set type savefunctions for customer set types with a generic save function capable ofmaintaining time slices.
    • Second frame: temporary TOs

    • You can trigger the automatic enhancement of CI includes for technicalobjects with structures necessary for the management of temporarytechnical objects. This includes the maintenance and search of technicalobjects.
      • Third frame: Searching by customer fields

      • You can trigger the automatic enhancement of CI Includes for searches oftechnical objects in order to enhance the searches for technical objectsby fields from customer set types.
        • Fourth frame:

        • You can trigger the automatic enhancement of the CI Include for thetechnical objects with the DDIC communication structureCRM_SI_WB_COMMSTRUC. This structure provides various address structures:
          Structure ADRS1: This structure is based on SAP Central AddressManagement and contains the main address fields, such as street, postalcode, and city.
          8 structures of the type CRM_SI_WB_COMM_ADTEL: You can use thesestructures to create up to 8 telephone numbers with the main fieldsCOUNTRY, TEL_NUMBER, TEL_XTENS, REMAR, VALID_FROM, and VALID_TO.
          8 structures of the type CRM_SI_WB_COMM_ADSMTP: You can use thesestructures to create up to 8 e-mail addresses with the main fieldsSMTP_ADRR, REMARK, VALID_FROM, and VALID_TO.
          4 structures of the type CRM_SI_WB_COMM_ADFAX: You can use thesestructures to create up to 4 fax numbers with the main fields COUNTRY,FAX_NUMBER, FAX_EXTENS, REMARK, VALID_FROM, and VALID_TO.
          4 structures of the type CRM_SI_WB_COMM_ADURI: You can use thesestructures to create up to 4 URI addresses with the main fieldsURI_TYPE, URI_SCREEN, and REMARK.
          You can use this section. However, we do not recommend this.
          • Fifth frame:

          • You can trigger the automatic enhancement of the CI Include for thetechnical objects with DDIC warranty structure CRM_SI_WB_WARRANTYSTRUC.You can use this structure to easily add up to two warranties for thetechnical object. For each of the two warranties, the following fieldsare provided: WARRANTY_PROD, START_DATEWY, START_DATE_RULEWY,END_DATEWY, END_DATE_RULEWY, DETERMINE_DATESWY, DELETE_WYT. Thewarranties are based on the links between a warranty product and asingle object, such as the standard IBase. You can, therefore, alsodisplay or change warranties using the IBase transactions.
            The use of this section is optional.
            The fourth section - Automatic Transfer of Divisions toProduct Group 1 - is obsolete with SAP CRM 5.1.