SAP Program ECRM_ISU_DELETE_QUOT_TECHOBJ - Delete temporary technical objects

This program allows to delete temporary technical objects from thedatabase. Before doing so, several checks are executed on the temporarytechnical objects in question.

The advantage of temporary technical objects is, that there is nointegration to SAP IS-U. This makes it possible to easily delete themagain.

You have activated the management for temporary technical objects in thecustomizing activity Maintain Settings forManagement of Temporary Technical Objects under the path CustomerRelationship Management -> Industry-Specific Solutions -> UtilityIndustries -> Technical Objects.

The holding time defines the minimum amount of time a temporarytechnical object has to be held in the system before it can be deletedusing this report. The figure is taken over from the correspondingCustomizing entry and cannot be changed here.
The block size is a technical parameter for selection of the objects tobe deleted. After deletion of a block a commit work statement isexecuted. So if problems occur during processing only a single block isaffected by the rollback that will be executed then.
When deleting temporary technical objects in the thousands, thisparameter might also affect the performance of the deletion run. Thesuggested block size is 100, but depending on the number of objects tobe deleted other block sizes may offer advantages over the standardsetting. However, we recommend that you do not use block sizes below 20or above 1000.
The test mode allows you to execute the report without actually deletingany objects. The objects are selected and the checks are executed asnormal, but instead of deleting the objects, only a list of the objectsis displayed.
Selecting Error messages only suppresses success messages in theoutput. This is useful when deleting a large number of objects, becausethe list might get very long and error messages might be hard to find inthe list.
The Selection check frame allows you to count the number ofobjects currently selected by the deletion run. The results are shownseparately for connection objects and points of delivery.

By default the blocksize is set to 100, the test mode is switched on andthe success messages are shown in the log.

Depending on the switch 'Error messages only', success messages forevery deleted (or tested) object is displayed in a list. Errors, thatoccured during selection or deletion of objects are displayedindependent of the selected run mode.

In order to execute further checks on temporary technical objects beforebeing deleted, refer to the activity Enhancement Spot: Check ifDeletion of Techn. Object is allowed in the Customizing ofCustomer Relationship Management -> Industry-Specific Solutions ->Utility Industries -> Technical Objects.

As an example implementation for the BADI check, it is checked whetherthe object to be deleted has originally been created by the same userrunning the deletion report.