SAP Program DA_CHECK_STATUS - Object Status - Evaluation

Status analysis for CRM business transactions, partners and products.

You can use this program to analyze and display CRM businesstransactions, business partners and products, based on their status.


You can restrict the selection criteria for the business objects to beanalyzed using the business object type and the status. The businessobject type can be further restricted using the following criteria:

  • Business Transaction (BUS2000110):,,Transaction Type

  • Product (BUS1006005):,,,,,,Product Type

  • Partner (BUS1178):,,,,,,,,Partner Number
  • Output
    Business Transactions
    First, the program displays the business objects for each transactiontype and status. By double clicking an object you can display adetailed list of the objects that belong to a specific transaction typeand have a specific status.
    By double clicking a line, you can access the original display of thebusiness transaction.
    First, the program displays the Partners/Products that meet theselection criteria. You then have the option to display a list of thePartners/Products you wish to see.
    By double clicking a line, you can display the complete information fora specific Partner/Product.

    You can check how many data records have the status "archivable"(I1100). This enables you to estimate before archiving how manybusiness objects would be affected and whether or not it would beworthwhile to archive data at this time.