SAP Program CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS - Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbers for BP and Customer

As of Release SAP ECC 6.0 the tax numbers for the businesspartner and the customer are automatically synchronized as part ofcustomer/vendor integration.
You can use this report to synchronize the existing tax numbers for thebusiness partner and/or customer before starting the automaticcustomer/vendor integration. This ensures that you have a consistentstate for continuing to process the object pair businesspartner/customer You should, therefore, start this report before goinglive with the master data for the business partner/customer.
The report is used in connection with the upgrade to Release SAP ECC6.0. It is relevant only for customers who already usecustomer/vendor integration and have stored tax numbers in the businesspartner or in the customer.
The report is based on the evaluation results of the reportCVI_ANALYSE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS Analysis of Tax Numbers for BusinessPartner and Customer and synchronizes the tax numbers for thebusiness partner with the tax numbers for the customer.

Note that you have to execute this report before the reportCVI_MIGRATE_CUST_LINKS Convert Assignment Table for Link BetweenBusiness Partner + Customer if you also want to convert theassignment tables for the object pair business partner/customer. Formore information, see the corresponding report documentation. Tosynchronize the tax numbers, the content of the old assignment tableBD0001 Business Partner: Assignment Customer - Partner must beavailable.
For general information about customer/vendor integration, see theSAP Library by choosing ERP Central Components ->Cross-Application Components-> Master Data Synchronization->Customer/Vendor Integration.
The report is supported by the framework Parallel Processing of MassData. For general information about the parallel processing of massdata, see the SAP Library by choosing ERP CentralComponents-> Cross-Application Components-> General ApplicationFunctions (CA-GTF)-> Parallel Processing of Mass Data (CA-GTS-TS-PPM)

You have executed the report CVI_ANALYSE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS Analysisof Tax Numbers for Business Partner and Customer and determined thatan initial synchronization of tax numbers is necessary using the log.

You can choose the following options under Direction for InitialSynchronization of Tax Numbers:

  • No Direction Chosen

  • Indicates the state before the report is started for the first time.Choose a valid synchronization direction to start the report.
    • Business Partner to Customer

    • The initial synchronization takes place from the business partner to thecustomer.
      • Customer to Business Partner

      • The initial synchronization takes place from the customer to thebusiness partner.
        • Switch Direction Automatically

        • If you activate this option then the system always overwrites the objectwith no tax numbers, irrespective of the synchronization directionchosen.
          After the report has been executed for the first time, you can no longerenter values in the parameters.

          You can select a unique run ID and the package size. Youcan use the unique run ID to uniquely identify your jobs in theparallel processing tool for mass data. You can use the package size
          to specify the number of business partners for each package.
          Under Job Distribution you can further divide processes intoservers/server groups. This overrides the number of parallel jobs thatis set in the IMG activity Maintain JobDistribution.

          The synchronization direction chosen is saved in table BPCONSTANTS inthe CONSTANT = CVISCT field.
          The report writes the results to a log. You can analyze the resultsunder Application Log: Display Logs (transaction SLG1).

          Execute the report CVI_ANALYSE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS Analysis of TaxNumbers for Business Partner and Customer and evaluate the log.
          In this report select a unique run ID and the package size
          . Under Job Distribution you can further divide processes intoservers/server groups.
          Depending on the analysis results for the reportCVI_ANALYSE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS Analysis of Tax Numbers for BusinessPartner and Customer, determine the synchronization direction for thereport. If tax numbers have mainly been processed in the customer todate, for example, choose the processing direction Customer toBusiness Partner.
          Check that the job ran correctly under Call PPF Monitor (transactionBANK_PP_MONITOR). If an error occurred, you can start the reportagain with the same unique run ID.
          Once the job has run correctly, evaluate the log for the analysis reportunder Application Log: Display Logs (transaction SLG1). Theobject to be analyzed is FS_PROT and the external identification is thesame as the unique run ID.


          • You have chosen the synchronization direction Customer to Business
          • Partner.
            Both the customer currently being processed and the correspondingbusiness partner have tax numbers. The tax numbers for the customeroverwrite the tax numbers for the business partner. However, the taxnumbers for the business partner that could not be synchronized arekept.
            • You have chosen the direction Customer to Business Partner and
            • also set the Switch Direction Automatically indicator.
              There are no tax numbers stored for the customer currently beingprocessed, however, the assigned business partner has tax numbers. Ifthe Switch Direction Automatically indicator had not been setthen the synchronization direction chosen would have overwritten theexisting data for the business partner. However, seeing as SwitchDirection Automatically is activated, the tax numbers for thebusiness partner are transferred to the customer.

851445BP_CVI: Details about reports to be executed for ERP 2005
1105558BP_CVI: Migration report from Note 851445 terminates
923833BP_CVI: Performance problem with tax data conversion